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Best Office Layout For Your Team

Best Office Layout For Your Team

There are three main types of office spaces: conventional, virtual or remote, and shared space. Which of these suits you and your team best will depend on how many people work there, how often they collaborate, the IT equipment your team uses, and more. To help you get started in your search for an office […]

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Designing Healthy Office Spaces

Designing Healthy Office Spaces

Balancing form, function, and aesthetics is essential to creating today’s healthy workplace. Properly designing an office has many beneficial effects on employees and clients as one that is well designed not only increases productivity, it also boosts the health of individuals who work there. If it’s time to redo your office space, consider adding some, […]

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Open Office Space Advantages and Disadvantages

Open Office Space Advantages and Disadvantages

While many companies are embracing the notion of long tables serving as workstations, some businesses still appreciate and even require the insularity of cubicle spaces. In many respects, the type of physical environment a company creates for its employees is dependent on the company’s culture. Open Space Advantages One of the greatest benefits of open […]

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Office Furniture Accessories

Office Furniture Accessories

Furniture is not the only thing that makes or breaks your office space. The way that you accessorize large items in your work environment also determines the productivity rate of your company. Here are four unsuspecting yet significantly influential accessories for your office. Mouse Pads Every desk has one, yet not every employee appreciates their […]

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Benefits of the Selecting the Right Office Art

Benefits of the Selecting the Right Office Art

Planning your office space involves more than just selecting the right office furniture and devising a layout that promotes workflow. Details count in more ways than you realize as they affect the perception and feelings of those within the space. Now more than ever, business owners and office managers have begun to realize that displaying […]

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Cellular Offices

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cellular Offices

The majority of people devote a huge amount of their work time within an office. The ambiance of office is of great significance to the employees as it has a direct influence on the job efficiency of the employees. And the layout of an office is the foundation of creating an ideal setting of an […]

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The Importance of Office Paint Color

The Importance of Office Paint Color

It’s 3 p.m. Though you’ve had plenty of coffee, your energy is on a decidedly downward trend. You try to struggle on the task at hand, but there’s something that’s just keeping you from concentrating. The answer might be right in front of you — literally. That is if that wall is the wrong paint […]

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Office Layout: Meaning, Objectives and Advantages

Office Layout: Meaning, Objectives and Advantages

If your company is moving to a new location or has decided to update operations in its current space, it makes sense to carefully plan your office layout to optimize workflow as well as your allocated space. A systematic arrangement of furniture, equipment, and supplies is predicated on the division of labor and should lead […]

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